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Your donation will help us to promote and facilitate the care and feeding of these fine, old motor yachts.

CYA is a 501(c)3 Educational Organization

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CYA New Member Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the CYA!  This is the start of the New Member Application process.  To join, just enter the requested information and click "Next" to go on to the next part.   All Members will join and be approved first as "Members" and pay their fleet dues and initiation fee.  Those requesting their yacht to be registered in Classic or Vintage categories will be asked for their vessel information, which will then be submitted to the Membership Committee for approval. (Allow several weeks for vessel approvals.)

CYA Membership Application

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* Membership level

Additional Costs:

Initiation fee of $75 added to all new member applications to cover cost of burgee, roster, and plaques for qualifying vessels.

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(C) 2025 Classic Yacht Association
CYA is a 501(c)3 Organization

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software