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Website Electronic Communications Policy

Classic Yacht Association Electronic Communication Policy

The use of computers and electronic communications are essential tools to support the Classic Yacht Association’s (CYA) mission. In using CYA’s online resources and electronic communications systems, it is important for all members/users to be aware of CYA’s policy regarding responsible use. It is the responsibility of each User to ensure that this technology is used in a manner that 1) is responsible, professional, and legal; 2) does not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or other sensitive information; 3) does not compromise the security of CYA's computer resources; and 4) is consistent with good stewardship and the mission of the Classic Yacht Association.

Internet Access and Electronic Mail

CYA members and volunteers are required to use their access to the Internet in a legal, responsible and informed way, conforming to network etiquette, customs and courtesies.

Internet activity and email is not a private, confidential communication. The confidentiality of any message should not be assumed.

Internet activity and email should never be used in any way that may be disruptive, hurtful or offensive to others.

Use of the CYA web platforms is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct. The willful misuse of CYA Internet access by any member may result in other action, including but not limited to, termination of membership. Examples of inappropriate conduct include, but are not limited to: use of inappropriate or offensive or abusive language in either public or private messages; unlawful activities; gambling, defamation; infringement of copyrights; misrepresentation of oneself or (organization); logging on or accessing obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, racist or violent sites; pirating software or transmitting software programs or other copyrighted or trademarked material; engaging in transactions or activity for personal financial gain: jeopardizing CYA's tax-exempt status; creating unauthorized contractual liability for the CYA; violating any CYA policy or procedure: engaging in any activity or communication that is inconsistent with norms of professional and business conduct; and sending messages that might result in congestion or disruption of networks and systems.

Members must abide by security policies, procedures and guidelines in their use of the CYA Internet access, and are to refrain from practices which might jeopardize CYA's computers, data, network, systems security or work in general. Members must guard against computer viruses and security breaches of any kind.

No Privacy

Members do not have a personal privacy right in any matter created, received, sent, or stored on CYA computer resources, whether or not the matter is designated as private or confidential.

The CYA reserves the right to access all CYA-owned/provided computer resources for the purpose of supporting its mission, assuring compliance with statutory requirements, as well as internal policies supporting the performance of internal investigations, and assisting with the management of CYA's information systems.

The CYA Board of Directors reserves the right to monitor and review email messages and CYA Internet access by members, without prior notice. E-mail messages and Internet access are not private, and members should not consider their email messages and CYA Internet access to be private. A member's access code or password does not give him or her any right to privacy with respect to using the CYA’s email and Internet systems.

This document was approved by the Board of Directors on March 20, 2004.

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CYA is a 501(c)3 Organization

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